Soul Contracts: How to Re-Negotiate, Resolve, Break Video. I discuss Soul Contracts and how to work with them.
I also recommend my other videos on Soul Contracts:
Soul Contracts: What You Need to Know
Breaking Soul Contracts + Akashic Records + Ascension Shift
Here is the written version of Soul Contracts: How to Re-Negotiate, Resolve, Break
We all come lifetime to expand, learn about ourselves and to evolve as a soul. Before we come here we are in Eternal Soul that lives on whether we are in the spirit world or we are incarnating into a human lifetime. Some souls have incarnated into human life times more than other souls and that’s where things start getting a little bit I won’t say complicated just becomes part of who you are.
If you are living a human experience that means that you are here to learn mainly through relationships. You have relationships with everything. Not just relationships with a partner, whether it is a friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband. But also as a family member, children, as friends, as co-workers, all kinds of different relationships.
I want to take that further and say that relationships don’t only have to do with people but everything in life is a relationship. You have a relationship to everything whether it’s people whether it’s a relationship to an emotion, some people are addicted to being depressed, some people are addicted to being sick, some people are addicted to being happy. You have a relationship to your body, whether you love it or hate it. You have a relationship to your food, work ethics, to your money, to everything. Basically, you have a relationship with everything.
Today when we talk about Soul Contracts, I’m actually going to talk about people in this one and perhaps I’ll do another video when work comes to things and money and stuff like that. It’s really important to know how to work with soul contracts. You can actually use this technique on any one of those relationships that I mentioned or ones that you thought of yourself that I didn’t say. This can really apply to everything.
I want to talk about Soul contracts with people. If you have been incarnated into other lifetimes, which the majority of people that I have met have lived many other lifetimes. Some people have lived a lot more lifetimes than others. Most people are not usually brand new to this experience of being a human. Not to say that’s not true for everyone of course.
If you’ve lived other lifetimes that means you’ve had other relationships. Quite often we might come into this lifetime with relationships to work with the same people. So maybe in a past life time you had a husband that is in this lifetime your father, or a past life your brother in this lifetime could be your father or husband. Also genders can change, but it’s weird how we switch roles and make decisions before incarnating with each other that we will come back and say ok, this time I will be your, whatever. Sometimes you come back and have relationships with each other over and over again, because you haven’t been able to quite figure it out or get through it. I laughed at one of my teachers that I had a long time ago. She was talking about when she found out her husband killed her in other lifetime, she didn’t take it personally, because she probably killed him a lot in other lifetimes. It sometimes (often) goes back and forth like that.
So sometimes relationships in this lifetime can be karmic relationships. I am not going to go all into that, but karmic relationships are really addicting relationship. They are very attractive relationships, but most often they aren’t relationships that are really good for you but they’re difficult to get away from. They are almost sinful feeling, because you feel so drawn to them. Even though you know you may have broken up and think, I know I don’t want to be with this person, but why do I keep thinking about them and why do I still feel attracted when they did all this stuff, and I know I am totally done with it. Those are common symptoms of a karmic relationship.
Let’s talk about Soul Contracts. We have them with everyone that we are in a relationship with. So let’s say that you have a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, okay whatever [type of relationship]. You know you’re with them and in this lifetime, but it doesn’t really always mean just because you’re with somebody that you’re supposed to be with them for the rest of your life. Sometimes it is. So it’s a really good idea to check in with your Soul Contracts to see if you are still supposed to be with that person or not, because many times we over stay the relationship.
When that happens some of the common symptoms are that you might become bored in the relationship, that you end up settling and you stay in it, because you got married and ‘that’s what you’re supposed to do.’ The boredom is a big one to recognize. We were taught in our society that we’re supposed to get married and stay together. The interesting thing is when marriage was first introduced it was never about being in love. It was about you know being paired and for whatever reasons that was happening in your family line. Now people think you’re supposed to marry for love. I would say that isn’t necessarily true, because was not even in our DNA [from early family line times.] I would say it sounds nice, and I don’t know where it came from. It sounds romantic and wonderful. Yes, who wouldn’t want to? But it wasn’t what was originally introduced into our DNA so it’s not actually something that is is normally a part of us. That’s one thing. I’m not going to go into that about you know what relationships are and all of that, but I do want to talk about these soul contracts.
We are all with each other for a reason. To learn things from each other. Sometimes we’re with each other and it might be so darn frustrating. You wonder why the heck am I with this person? Maybe it’s just really hard to get away from the person even if you want to. Maybe there are complications for whatever reason you can’t leave at that moment. Maybe you’re just having a problem leaving. Or maybe you did leave and you keep thinking about the person. Maybe the person just keeps showing up in your dreams. It’s just some sort of connection that’s difficult to get through. Whether it’s difficult to live with the person, to be with the person or is difficult to get rid of the person. Whether they are with you or not. Many times we can’t get out of these connections with these soul contracts until figure out what we are here to work on so we can get through it and finish it. The thing is if you don’t finish, it if it’s left not totally done, it’s a pretty good chance that you’re going to come back in another life time to continue to work on it.
I’m talking about people relationships, but I remember when I was working in Corporate America and I really wanted to leave my job. For some reason, I just couldn’t. I knew I wanted to leave to do my spiritual teaching. I was already doing it I was already doing readings and teaching classes on the weekends and stuff, but I wanted to leave that corporate job, but the Angels kept telling me no, not yet not yet not yet, for like 3 years. Finally, I was just resigning myself to I guess I’m not ever going to do that. I finally decided to do some contract work on the place I was working at to find out what my contract work was at that workplace. So I could work on it, finish it, break it, and get out of it. And that worked! I totally did the technique I’m going to teach you in this video on finding out what that contract was. Once you find out what the contract is it’ll make a lot more sense as to why you’re with this person, why they act a certain way and why you act a certain way. Once you get that understanding it becomes so much easier to deal with it. Once you really get the understanding of what that contract is about, it most often feels like a relief, because now you understand what’s going on. Once you understand, you can deal with it in a more conscious way. You can decide what you need to do and how you need to do It, because you know what is going on between you. You know your side of it. You know their side of it. So with my workplace when I found out what it was it was like, whoa! It was actually pretty easy once I found out what it was holding me. It was almost like it was holding me hostage and giving you these beliefs of, there wouldn’t be life after that job. Like, if I didn’t stay there then I couldn’t survive and have my livelihood. It was so weird, because I noticed that so many people that worked there had that same scenario [belief] playing out for them, because I saw so many people working there had that. Once I understood it, I got into my power and said, no that’s not what I think and that’s not what I believe. I’m not going to go there. I did the technique it really [finally and quickly] set me free.
and I’m doing you know I’ve been doing this if you have a like I said a relationship or a relationship or you ended our relationship and can’t get rid of Deep chords okay we have chords were we you know how these energetic connections to other people and there’s their regular cord and if you don’t know what that is basically we get connected energetically two people for different for different reasons sometimes they’re Happy Chords sometimes Don’t cut those cords and sever those energies then whatever’s going on in your life or their life you guys are going to be transmitting your energies back and forth so you can be had day and they might be having a really horrible like depressing day and also if you start feeling depressed at ignoring like I don’t know why I feel like this like if I knew what I felt like this and I can understand Depending on how depressed that person is and how Gina energy so with these chords and I’m try those are regular words these are contract for people these things we need to disconnect because if you’re thinking about the person or you can’t get rid of the connection holding you so you either want to with this Soul contract work you can find out where the contract is you can either renegotiate the contract or you can resolve the contract or you can completely sever the contract so it’s a way that you can energetically really get in and really do some work to make changes in your life because in some way a soul contract is standing in your way or frustrating you or for holding you hostage or you just you know whatever it is you know so you can fix these things and you can do it with or without the other person okay so let me take you to the exercise actually I want to mention that I have another video that I had put up on YouTube Formation contracts and you can go ahead and check that up okay so this is the technique I want you to think of somebody that you want to look at the contract okay so close your eyes and if you’re wearing glasses please take off your glasses because when you wear your glasses and your trying to go into a meditation or do some sort of enter work when you put on your glasses you’re telling your body to be alert and be looking outside of yourself and right now we really just want to go inside of you so take off your glasses and get really comfortable and close your eyes and start taking some nice deep breath Are you down just slow down your energy by taking nice big deep breaths all the way down to your abdomen and then blowing out out all that’s Taylor and breathing in again And blowing out and I want you to imagine grounding cords like roots of a tree grounded to the attached to the bottom of your feet and let them dig down into Mother Earth and let them grab onto a giant crystal in the center of the Earth and just feel or imagined Mother Earth slow strong heartbeat and allow that heartbeat to vibrate up those ground and chords to your feet and back down and now I want you to move your attention away from the front of your head it just imagine your attention moving backwards to the center of your head and drop down slightly and see yourself drop down into a pink bubble of light right in the center of your head and a It’s big as your body and then bigger than your body your body loves to feel full of its spirit and many times our spirit is hanging out anywhere but in our body so just feel your presence of your spirit fully in your body feel or imagine your aura around you and whatever color comes up first I want you to imagine that swirling around your body evenly full and thick and about three feet around you front sides and back 3 feet above your head and 3 feet below your feet and Surround your oral with a beautiful glittery gold and white light just to hold your energy nice and close around you okay make sure you’re in the center of your head in that beautiful pink bubble and take nice deep breath and I want you to call in the person that you want to do your contract work on the staying in that beautiful pink bubble in the center of your head I just want you to imagine that you’re seeing this person come to you And see their spirit with you and ask them would you like to work on this contract with me yes or no and listen for their answer now if they say yes that’s great and perfect they can stay and work on it if they say no that is fine tell them okay thank you and let’s ask the ones that said no to go away thank them for coming and then tell them thank you and goodbye and I want you to just imagine their Spirit disappears and you’re going to stay and work on it on your own and those of you who had people that said they want to stay and work on it great just keep seeing that person spirit with you now we’re going to ask Creator to show us the contract between yourself and that person and I want you to just sit back and relax and say I am ready to see the contract between me and take a note So now I want you to sit back and pretend you’re watching a movie there’s a big screen in front of you you’re going to let the details of your contract play out in front of you so take a nice deep breath imagine you’re sitting in of your own theater see that the screen in front of you and take a moment and see whatever comes up on that screen and Trust whatever you see so I’ll give you a few minutes to do that I want you to decide do you like this contract did you like what you saw did you like what you feel did you like what you heard and if you like it and want to keep it this way that’s fine do you want to renegotiate it do you want to resolve it or do you want to completely cancel this contract decide which one and then I want you to tell your partner if they’re there with you what you would like to do and if your partner is not with you you decide what you want to do and regardless if they agree with you or not it doesn’t matter because you have free will and you can change anything in your experience that you choose to change so now after you decide what you’d like to do I want you to tell creator that you’re ready to make these changes in your contract until the Creator what changes you want made let me give you a moment to do that See those changes being made into the akashic records being moved around the energy shifted allow the akashic records to be updated and now I want you to think of an energetic symbol they can be anything and what color is it this symbol is the energy of your new contract and what you’re going to do is take this symbol and the color of it and run it through your body just imagine it energetically going through your body pinging all of your cells all of your energy upgrading the energy within you of this new contract and then making sure that you run it to your aura which includes the emotional mental and spiritual body that is around your physical body and then put it right into your heart and then make a duplicate of that from your heart and give it to Creator to put into your account records sea Creator take those akashic records and send them back to the akashic files and your work is done thank your partner if there with you for being with you to work on this contract cut the cord from them and if your partner was not with you cut the cord from them anyway see them disappear take a nice deep breath and when you’re ready come back so this is a simple and Resolve or completely break the contract or keep the contract the way it was you have the power to change anything in your contract but the power is the knowledge that you receive from looking at the contract and empowering yourself to decide if that is really the way you want to continue to experience it in this lifetime or not and like I said you have free will and you can change anything that you want so practice this technique and the more you practice it the easier it will be for you to see that up on the on the movie screen and then decide what you want to do with it but honestly once you start getting really good at being able to open up to seeing these contract and working with them and settling them or changing them you will see that your life becomes easier once you are able to work with these contract anytime you want so I hope this is been helpful and keep practicing and you will definitely start seeing changes in your life Around you and why they leave those relationships are with you and how they’re serving you or how they’re not serving you but believe me if you are Dark Soul contract with anybody in some way it is there to serve you so just be honest with yourself you know what you’ve contributed to that house help and contributing to that contract positively or negatively and how it’s been serving you whether it’s positive or negative I hope you’ve enjoyed this and I hope that you continue working with this technique because it is truly life-changing thank you so much for being with me and good luck to you with your soul contract and ultimately your soul evolution
Thank you for all of the knowledge you share! You are a blessing to me!
Sending love and light🙏❤️🎉q
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